PET REMEDY HEATED PAD – Only 15 watts so cheap to run
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- Description
PET REMEDY Heated Pet Pad
Keep your pets safe, warm and healthy this winter with our unique heated pet pad.Used in whelping Box’s for puppies & Kittens
Keep your Puppies safe, warm and healthy this winter with Pet Remedy unique heated pad.
- Safe low voltage
- Ideal for all mammals, young and old
- Suitable for use in pet beds, whelping and carry baskets.
Originally developed for Petsavers and the BSAVA (British Small Animal Veterinary Association) as a safe and effective post-operative heated pad for Vets (as minimises perioperative hypothermia), now available for your pets and puppies at home.
Pet Pad details:
- With 12v AC electronic adaptor plug
- BSAVA approved and recommended
- Gently brings body mass temperature up to around 39 degs C
- Maintains optimum temperature
- 42cm x 38cm x (16.5” x 15”)
- Ideal for all mammals young or old
- Only 15 watts so cheap to run
- CE marked in UK
- Safe to leave on constantly
- Cable can be disconnected to feed through Whelping Box’s
- Additional Information
Weight: 10.5000