Breeding supplies
When done correctly AI with fresh semen produces results equal to a natural mating, things that will reduce the chance of your female getting pregnant are generally to do with the handling of the sperm – factors that will reduce sperm viability are sudden changes in temperature, certain rubbers and water.
Before attempting AI you should have a good working knowledge of the reproductive and urinary tracts of canines or seek professional assistance. This is especially the case if there are any abnormalities in the reproductive tract preventing a natural mating. Abnoba Pet Store cannot be held responsible for the improper use of these products or for any injuries inflicted by the use of these products. Artificial Insemination should only be performed by a suitably competent person.
Results of AI in Dogs – Information from: http://www.petplace.com/article/dogs/diseases-conditions-of-dogs/reproduction/canine-artificial-insemination
- With natural breeding (assumes 3 breedings in a heat cycle) there is an 80 to 95 percent success rate of pregnancy.
- With AI using fresh semen, 62 to 100 percent success rate
- With AI using chilled semen, 59 to 80 percent success rate
- With AI using frozen semen deposited into the vagina, 52 to 60 percent success rate
- With AI using frozen semen deposited into the uterus, 0 to 80 percent success rate

Alpha Blue - Plastic Tip

Blue Deluxe Insemination Tubes (Stainless Steel Tip)

Drilled Artificial Insemination Tubes

Flex Tip Artificial Insemination Tubes



MAVIC Artificial Insemination Catheter

Osiris Insemination Catheter


Semen Collection

Semen Extender

Semen Transport

Soft Flexi Artificial Insemination Tubes

Standard AI Tubes

Sterile Syringes

STIP TIP Insemination Tubes